When the sky got 3 new stars!

A bag containing a harness, food bowl, blanket, toys and various treats is standing in front of me by the stairs.

It is going to the basement for storage until it is picked up along with other things, to be brought to a shelter somewhere in the world. I have not carried it down there yet, maybe because the bag testifies a week not like the usual? If I carry it down, it’s definite.

When Monday morning started, I already knew what was waiting.

However emergencies can never be anticipated. We had just opened the doors to the vet clinic as one of my dear patients stood in the door with his owner by his side.

It was time for the last journey. Other surveys were planned for the upcoming days, but the light in the eyes of the little white dog was gone and what would the coming diagnostic workup benefit?

Our diagnostic workups should always be used to help the dog forward and should make the treatment better.

Some people reach out to scientific facts when the difficult decisions need to be made. If we have a clear diagnosis, it may support the impossible act of the last farewell.

In this case, a last weekend with the dog had made the decision clear – he should not be exposed to anymore. There was no idea in waiting until there was no doubt about euthanasia.

If you no longer have doubts about euthanasia, you have been postponing your goodbye, which doesn’t benefit the dog.

The owner told me he could see it in the dog’s eyes. I knew from looking at the owner, that he knew his dog, and that he was right.

Afterwards a new patient walks through the door; a wonderful brown Labrador.

I have followed her for most of my life and a call from the owner very early that morning, and I immediately knew what the call was about.

She had lived a very good life and had suddenly become poorly.

Starting a treatment would only prolong the inevitable and would not benefit the protagonist.

We said our goodbye knowing that the dog had a life filled with love and the joy of food, now once a Labrador’s metier in life, intact on the death camp.

Then straight to another consultation where a very special little dog, was sitting with its loving owners. It is not always age that determines when the stars are waiting.

The owners had taken over the dog a little while ago and had put all the love and care into the little creature as possible.

I have had a close dialogue with them along the way and we agreed that enough was enough. She should be allowed to have peace so that her body finally could get some rest.

It feels very different saying goodbye to a dog, knowing it has lived a long life, than one who is still very young. It feels as though it never got a chance but this little heart did get the best chance against all odds, thanks to some very special people. Their caring and patience has been beyond ordinary.

Everything was arranged in advance, and nothing more needed to be said. However, the things we do not say are often the strongest, and the tears behind the dark sunglasses said more than a 1000 words.

I will always be very grateful to these people because they gave the little dog a loving home and because the owners above all, were strong enough to let the love of the dogs needs exceed their own deprivation. That’s something we can all learn from.

A quick glance at the time and it is not yet 9 o’clock. A long day followed by the joys and sorrows that are now part of it.

There are many aspects to being a vet that needs to be controlled in fear of overseeing something. Therefore, most veterinarians have a systematic approach to a patient. “I have just taken a temperature at home, why do you do that again?” an owner might ask.

We do our examinations from a-z, because if we miss something we fail, and we will lose both patients and clients.

People just can go somewhere else and if you’re lucky you’ll be hanged publicly online. Fortunately, we have the world’s cutest clients!

Many of my colleagues and I, usually go to bed very early which benefits the animals. You do not go to work with shaking hands or lack of faith. Everything needs to be done right!

Now the week is coming to an end and soon we will go home with the stories of the week, carrying them with us in our hearts, and we will never forget!

I cannot help but think that you never know what hides behind the people you meet in the street.

Do not they smile? Are not they happy? Perhaps they carry some stories that are currently filling up in the mind, so the attention to the outside world for a while is gone?

Perhaps due to a job filled with strong emotions, they are just people where experiences and impressions of the day are being processed, so that there’s room for them to be there, for those who need them.

Before I go on, I will go to the basement and put the bag into storage. Reminded of a person in the midst of his own sorrow, had the strength help other animals.

The forecast promises clear weather for the evening.

Look up and send the 3 new bright stars a loving thought!