An animal are not just lazy!

“Look at the “lazy” animal”!

So called ”funny” videos of dogs and cats are all over the internet such as a dog crawling out of bed, a dog that grunts and snores loudly, a dog which walks or runs in a “funny” manner, a cat that ”dances” or is used for entertainment.

The videos are followed by funny remarks and are shared amongst thousands of people, who find amusement in watch the animals in distress.

Dogs and cats are not lazy – it’s a trade assigned by humans.

The cause of the animals so called ”laziness” is often serious health problems.

The grunting and snoring dog has severe problem with narrowing of the airways, restricting it of air, which makes it grunt and snore.

The dog with a”funny” gait, has severe problem with its legs, which causes the dog extreme pain when trying to walk normally.

It is never funny to see animals suffer.

If everyone would just learn the language of the animals then maybe the humor would have a change of character.

Se den danske version af denne artikel her!

Dogs DO NOT experience guilt!

It’s not fun to watch a dog being scared!

First things first: Dogs DO NOT experience guilt. Guilt is a human trade, we as humans mistakenly impose our animals.

A video has been circulating the internet, which has also been shared by Ekstra Bladet and several other medias around the world..

The video shows a man pointing an object which has been chewed on at two dogs. He asks the dogs in a very threatening manner, who of them has chewed on the object.

One of the dogs turns away from the man. The man continues, moving towards the dogs with the object. One of the dogs creeps up to the other dog and hides its head.

This is apparently a situation that many people find amusing.

The poor dog is obviously very scared of the man and is showing all the signs of submissive behaviour.

Dogs use submissive behavior to show friendliness, when feeling threatened.

Picture 1: The dog turns its face and putting its ears back, which is submissive behavior.

Picture 2: The dog turns away from the man, which is submissive behavior and a sign of friendliness.

Picture 3: The object is getting closer. The dog is withdrawing itself and attempting to turn away from the man.

It is a very stressful situation for a dog to be spoken to in such a manner and at the same time being confronted with an object as if it was being thrown at it.

The dog is displaying amazing behavior. Instead of trying to defend itself and its friend, the dog is using its body language telling the man to stop threatening them.

I don’t think that it’s fun to watch a dog being scared. It makes me sad that this is the sort of video that brings amusement to some people. It clearly shows that a lot of people don’t know the dogs language and therefor misinterprets different behavior in our pets as ”funny”.

This is NOT amusing in any way!

I think that it’s very unsettling that a media such as Ekstra Bladet is exhibiting humans’ inability to read dog behavior and therefor having fun at the expense of a very scared dog.

Read the Danish version of the article here!

No, not all dogs need to greet!

Written by: Veterinarian Lise Rovsing (Dyreklinikken Artemis) & Hanne Truelsen (Snudekompagniet)

Most dog owners are familiar with the following scenario:

You are walking your dog wearing harness and on its leash. Suddenly an unfamiliar dog comes running towards you.

From a far the owner shouts:” don’t worry, my dog is friendly”!

A second later, the two dogs are at each other’s throats, and you are forced to drag your dog away from the other dog. After a few minutes the owner of the other dog comes and collects his/her dog.

It is a common misconception that all dogs, should be able to interact with each other.

Dogs are racists, whom often like their own breed.

Not all dogs have been socialized since puppyhood. Some might have had bad experiences which make meeting other dogs a trial.

RESPECT that you do not know the story behind all dogs. If an owner has his/her dog on a leash, there is usually a reason why. The owner is showing responsibility, leaving the leash on the dog, knowing that the dog isn’t comfortable with unfamiliar dogs.

The notion that all dogs should be able to interact with each other, is outdated. The more we can learn about animal behavior, and the better we get to know our own dog and learn what it’s comfortable with, only then do we know when to put on the leash, and when to walk away from a potential conflict.

It should always be respected, when a dog owner expresses that the dog does not want to greet.

If everyone showed the same curtesy, many conflicts could be avoided.

Remember these guidelines on your next dog walk!

  • It is okay if your dog, DOESN’T love all other dogs! As long as you, take your precautions.
  • It is okay to put your dog on the leash, if you sense trouble. Dogs don’t always figure it out themselves.
  • It is okay if your dog is a ’racist’. Dogs ARE racists’ and know the difference between breeds.
  • It is okay to cross the road, if your dog sees another dog it’s not comfortable with. It’s always better to avoid conflict.
  • It is okay to place yourself between the dogs, if they start to play too rough. They don’t have to “figure it out for themselves”.
  • It is okay to take your dog out for short walks. Dogs shouldn’t just be “worn out” physically.
  • If your dog growls because it’s uncomfortable, remove it from the situation. It doesn’t mean that your dog is aggressive it means your dog has a language, which you understand.
  • It is okay not to scold your dog aloud for doing something it’s not supposed to, as long as you praise correct behavior!

All of the above is based on dogs’ language.

Learn your dog’s language by reading and understanding its signals, by doing this you are one step closer to a good life with your dog.