The advice that will save your dogs life!

What do I do, if my dog eats a bone from a fish or a piece of glass?

The dog owner will most likely see it happen and it is too late: the dog has eaten its catch!

What do you do?

Give the dogs some canned asparagus. Those who are white coloured and slippery.

The asparagus will wrap them self around the object in the stomach.

Thereby the stomach and intestines are projected, and won’t be damaged by the foreign object.

The foreign object will pass through the digestive system without damaging the dog.

Always visit the vets if your dog is not well!

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Take good care of your dog in the cold!

Are you the owner of a puppy or a senior dog?

Then you should be particularly aware that the cold temperatures and the gusty wind could create discomfort for your dog.

You see, our pets do also feel the cold!

Are you in doubt, whether your dog should wear a coat when the temperature drops?

YES, it should.

Our pets are used to being indoors in a lovely heated home. The dog is domesticated and does no longer live outside in natural temperatures. The dog’s fur does therefore no longer function as if it belonged to a wolf, wandering around in the woods!!

The undercoat does seldom develop so that it can keep the dog warm when the cold bites.

Who needs a coat?

If we look solely at different breeds, the flat coated and thinly furred dogs need a coat.

That goes for breeds like Whippets, Beagles, French Bulldogs, and Boxers. Other breeds with no undercoat, such as Poodles, Bichons, Shih Tzus, Yorkshire Terriers etc. also need to wear a coat.

Tiny breeds too – like Chihuahuas, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, and Dachshunds need that extra layer to keep them warm.

Senior dogs tend to have osteoarthritis and will benefit from a little extra warmth.

Do you have a puppy; it HAS to wear a coat outside. And if your dog is somehow ill, it too needs to be kept from being cold.

But my dog isn’t cold, is it?

Many clients tell us that it’s not their impression that their dog is cold. Maybe it shivers slightly, but it doesn’t seem cold.

Physiologically a larger animal loses less warmth than the smaller one.

This means that the amount of generated heat the animal produces and the amount it loses is more favourable to the larger animal. Which is why smaller tend to get colder.

If the dog shivers, it suffers from hypothermia. The body gets cold and the muscles tremble to generate heat. This signals to the brains that the dog should look for somewhere warm.

As a dog owner you should always react if your dog begins to shiver.

Denmark and a lot of other countries are both cold and windy. Even though the temperature is not particularly low, a cool gust can be reason enough to bring out your dog coat!

Dressing your dog in a coat when it is cold is by no means the same at dressing it up.

It is a sign of affection and caring for your best friend 🙂

Stop displaying sick animals!

These days videos are often shared online.

A bulldog is shown running up a hill.

Halfway up it stops and rolls down the hill. The bulldog gets back up, continues up the hill, only to fall down again.

Some people think that watching the dog tumbling down the hill “is funny”, as if, by it’s own free will, it rolls down the hill.

STOP STOP STOP! Dogs don’t think things are funny! Fun is a manmade property we project onto our animals.

The video does not show normal behaviour for DOGS. The DOGS behaviour is not motivated by it’s own free will.

The dog rolls down the hill for one reason only.

The bulldog is bred “brachycephalic”, which means that the bones in the skull is pressed together in such a way that there is little room for the soft structurea eg. the soft palate.

Many bulldog have narrowing of their airways, which means that the bulldog can have difficulties breathing.

The strain of running up the hill causes the dog to lose conciousness because of the lack of oxygen, it collapses and falls, only to roll down the hill. Shortly after it recovers and tries to run again.

Loss of conciousness by exertion due to a heart condition cannot be ruled out either.

The video shows an alarming tendency in our society: we fail to see the signs of illness in animals and interpret their behaviour as “funny tricks”, when in reality the dog has a serious condition.

This is NOT funny! I hope that we can stop these wrong interpretations, and not let animals poor health entertain us.